
RedCorners brings some neat utilities to your C# projects.



Extension Methods

RedCorners offers a number of extension methods to boost productivity. All extensions are under the RedCorners namespace:

using RedCorners;

String Manipulation

string string.ToBase32()

This method converts an input string into a Base32 form, where the output characters are chosen from: QAZ2WSX3EDC4RFV5TGB6YHN7UJM8K9LP, all of which are valid keyboard characters. Example:

string input = "Hello, World!";
var base32 = input.ToBase32();
Console.WriteLine($"Base32: {base32}");
string string.Head(int take = 20)

This method returns the first take=20 characters of a non-null string. If the original input has less of equal to take characters, the original string is returned, otherwise the output contains the first take characters from the input, followed by ..., making it a take+3 characters output.

In case the input is null, an empty string is returned.


Console.WriteLine($"Hello, World! This is a very long text.".Head());
Console.WriteLine($"Hello, World! This is a very long text.".Head(100));
// Hello, World! This i...
// Hello, World! This is a very long text.
HashSet<string> string.Hashtags()

This method takes a string as an input, and returns a HashSet<string> containing the hashtags mentioned in the input. If the input is null, an empty HashSet<string> is returned.

Hashtags are converted to LowerInvariant forms.


string input = "Hello #World #EVERYBODY!";
var hashtags = input.Hashtags();
Console.WriteLine($"Hashtags: {string.Join(" ", hashtags)}");
// Hashtags: #world #everybody
string string.RemoveDuplicateTags(...)
string.RemoveDuplicateTags(bool humanFormatted = false, string separator = ",")

This method takes a separator separated input containing tags, removes duplicate tags, trims tags and converts them to lowercase, and returns a new string with the result. If humanFormatted is true, the output tags will have a space between them. Example:

Console.WriteLine("food, Drinks, FooD,fun".RemoveDuplicateTags());
Console.WriteLine("food, Drinks, FooD,fun".RemoveDuplicateTags(true));
// food,drinks,fun
// food, drinks, fun
string string.RemovePrefix(string prefix)

This method returns a string without the specified prefix. If the input is null, null is returned. Examples:

Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!".RemovePrefix("Hello"));
Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!".RemovePrefix("Foo"));
// , World!
// Hello, World!
bool string.IsNW()

This is a shortcut for string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(string). Example:

bool string.HasValue()

This is a shortcut for !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(string). Example:

string string.CapitalizeFirstLetter()

This method returns a copy of the input string, where its first letter is capitalized. It does not trim the input. If the input is null, it returns null.

bool string.IsValidEmail()

This method returns true if the input is a valid email address. It relies on System.Net.Mail.MailAddress. Example:

Assert(!"not an email address");

I/O Extensions

string string.CreateDirectoryAndReturn()

This method takes a path as its input, creates that path if it doesn’t exist, and returns the input. It is useful when chained with other I/O actions. Example:

this.FilePath = Path
    .Combine(basePath, "ObjectStorage", bucket, typeFileName)

Date/Time Extensions

DateTime long.DateFromEpochMs()

This method returns a UTC DateTime equivalent to the input long in milliseconds. Example:

long epoch = 1557738320000;
// 5/13/2019 9:05:20 AM
long DateTime.ToEpochMs()

This method is the opposite of long.DateFromEpochMs(), where it converts a DateTime to epoch milliseconds, as long.

int DateTime.ToWeekNumber()

This method returns the week number for the input DateTime, relative to 2019-03-11.

DateTime int.GetFirstDayOfWeek()

This method returns the DateTime for the first day of the input week number. Example:

DateTime input = DateTime.UtcNow;
int weekNumber = input.ToWeekNumber();
// 5/13/2019 9:20:15 AM
// 9
// 5/13/2019 12:00:00 AM
// 5/20/2019 12:00:00 AM
DateTime int.GetLastDayOfWeek()

This method returns the DateTime for the first day of the next week. Identical to:

(weeknumber + 1).GetFirstDayOfWeek();

Injection Extensions

RedCorners provides extensions that facilitate converting data where models have different base classes, but share some properties.

void Inject(object destination)

This method looks at the properties of the destination object, and where there is an identical property in the source, it copies the value of the source to that property of the destination. Example:

class Contact
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public int Name { get; set; }
    public int Email { get; set; }

class UpdateContactModel
    public int Name { get; set; }
    public int Email { get; set; }


Contact original = new Contact {
    Id = 10,
    Name = "John",
    Email = ""

UpdateContactModel update = new UpdateContactModel {
    Name = "Sarah",
    Email = ""

// Inject Name and Email from [update] to [original]

// Prints [10], because UpdateContactModel doesn't have a property named [Id]

// Prints [Sarah], because it was injected from the UpdateContactModel
void IDictionary<string, object>.InjectDictionary(object destination)

This method injects a dictionary with Property names as Keys into the destination object. Example:

public class Settings
	public int Count { get; set; }

static void Main(string[] args)
	var settings = new Settings();
	Console.WriteLine($"Default Count: {settings.Count}"); // Prints 0

	var configuration = new Dictionary<string, object>
		{ "Count", 1000 }

	Console.WriteLine($"New Count: {settings.Count}"); // Prints 1000
T object.ReturnAs<T>() where T : new()

This method injects an object to a new object of type T and returns the new T. Example:

Contact contact = update.ReturnAs<Contact>();

// Prints [0], because UpdateContactModel doesn't have a property named [Id], so the default(int) is used.

// Prints [Sarah], because it was injected from the UpdateContactModel
List<T> IEnumerable<object>.ReturnAsList<T>() : where T : new()

This method returns a list of objects of type T from an arbitrary list of objects of any type, by doing one-by-one Injects.


Components are under the RedCorners.Components namespace.


RedCorners.Components.Benchmark is using a Stopwatch to time some actions. Example:

Benchmark benchmark = new Benchmark();
await Task.Delay(1234);
await Task.Delay(4321);
// 1.24s
// 5.57s
TimeSpan Benchmark.Stop()

Stops the timer and returns the duration as a TimeSpan.

string Benchmark.ToString()

Returns the duration as a string with two decimal points and the s prefix. Does not stop the timer, and can be used multiple times.

string Benchmark.StopToString()

Same as ToString(), but stops the timer.